ZTerrain Help
[tag=path]Doom/ZTerrain/Help[/tag]At first you have to draw the heightmap. It must be grayscale 8bpp BMP. Also note that if you want to create e.g. 64x64 terrain, you have to use 65x65 heightmap, because each heightmap pixel specifies height of one vertex, not sector.

Basic usage: [b]ZTerrain[/b] [[i]options[/i]] [[i]output[/i]]

You can specify several options:

(note: they are case-sensitive)

[b]-size[/b] [i]x[/i]

Specifies size of one block. It's a distance between pixels of heightmap in mappixels. (default 256)

[b]-height[/b] [i]x[/i]

Specifies height of one block. It's a height of one heightmap pixel in mappixels. (default 16)

[b]-floor[/b] [i]file[/i]

Generates floor terrain from specified file.

[b]-floorz[/b] [i]x[/i]

Specifies basic floor height - height of heightmap color #128. (default 0)

[b]-floortex[/b] [i]texture[/i]

Textured used to cover floor terrain. (default RROCK19)

[b]-ceiling[/b] [i]file[/i]

Generates ceiling terrain from specified file.

[b]-ceilingz[/b] [i]x[/i]

Specifies basic ceiling height - height of heightmap color #128. (default 128 x height)

[b]-ceilingtex[/b] [i]texture[/i]

Textured used to cover ceiling terrain. (default RROCK19)

[b]-lighttype[/b] [i]type[/i]

Affects light level of terrain (default 0).


0 - static

1 - floor-height generated

2 - ceiling-height generated

[b]-light[/b] [i]x[/i]

Basic light level. For light type 0 specifies light level of whole terrain, for light types 1&2 specifies light level of heightmap color #255. (default 192)

[b]-light1[/b] [i]x[/i]

Alternative light level. Used with light types 1&2, specifies light level of heightmap color #0. (default 64)

[b]-surface[/b] [i]tag[/i]

Tag sectors whose floor is below surface height. If ceiling is also below surface height, the sector will be tagged [i]tag+1[/i]. Then you can use e.g. Transfer_Heights to create water surface. (default 0)

[b]-surfacez[/b] [i]x[/i]

Specifies surface height. (default 0)


Displays quick info about how to use ZTerrain.
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